Norman Jones

Norman Jones

Norman Jones (1931-2021)

Norman Jones established with Tony Wing the dialysis programme at St Thomas’s Hospital where he worked as a consultant from 1967 until he retired in 1993.
He had research interests in sodium and potassium metabolism, strengthened by time spent  the USA with Carl Gottschalk and Lou Welt at Chapel Hill, North Carolina  where he used  micropuncture of renal tubules.  From the 1970s he performed a number of studies using leucocyte sodium and potassium concentrations and transport in hypertension and uraemia. He had a clinical interest in loin-pain haematuria syndrome.
Norman was highly regarded by patients and colleagues alike. He was always enquiring about the welfare and interests of others and reticent about himself.  A former colleague at St. Thomas’s said of him “He was very clever, very wise, very courteous, very charming, very supportive and a delight to work with.”
He was co-editor with Douglas Black for the 4th edition of Renal Disease, a standard nephrology text in the 1970s.
Highly regarded for his meticulous approach to clinical and other medical matters, he served as Honorary Secretary of the Renal Association and Treasurer of the 1987 International Congress of Nephrology held in London.
Read an obituary of Norman Jones.
Listen to an interview he gave in 2015 for the Royal College of Physicians.



Last Updated on April 28, 2023 by John Feehally