Hugh de Wardener (1915-2013)
Hugh de Wardener was a highly influential figure in the development of UK nephrology.
Remarkably his first publications were based on his personal observations of cholera and beri-beri in Japanese prison camps in South East Asia during the Second In World War.
As an academic physician he became a world authority on sodium metabolism and hypertension.
He was one of the early clinicians who established regular haemodialysis as a treatment for kidney failure.
As a leader, he chaired the Department of Health Working Party which recommended in 1965 the planned extension of dialysis provision with twenty units in major centres across the UK.
He was instrumental in founding NKRF, now Kidney Research UK.
He was President of ISN, and later President of the Renal Association.
Here de Wardener being interviewed for the ISN Video Legacy Project (link)
Read Hugh de Wardener’s obituary.
Last Updated on April 27, 2023 by John Feehally