The image above shows a prototype automatic PD cycler made by Hawker-Siddeley in Coventry in 1965. This factory made Whitley bombers in the war, then became aeronautic and space engineers (Sea Slug missiles, etc), but had a little sideline in dialysis. Then became part of British Aerospace (then closed). This prototype was made around 1965 was given to Mr R E Shaw (urologist) at Keresley Hospital in 1968 and was the first dialysis machine to be used in Coventry. Rob Higgins; via robmcrorie on Flickr
The development of chronic haemodialysis for irreversible renal failure from the 1960s onwards led to rapid developments in dialyser design and wider availability of dialysers and dialysis machines.
The de Wardener Committee recommended in 1966 that there should thirty properly funded dialysis units across the UK, and all required expertise to service and maintain dialysis equipment in dialysis units. Renal technicians (also known as renal technologists) quickly became an integral part of the renal team in every unit. By 1975 the Association of Renal Technologists had been established and remains the professional organisation providing their support and education.
The corporate sector became heavily involved in dialysis with a multiple companies developing and selling dialysers and machines. The de Wardener Committee recommended that the Ministry of Health should establish evaluation programmes to ensure that reliable data were available to assist sound purchasing choices, whether by individual units or by central procurement.
Last Updated on November 17, 2024 by John Feehally