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This is our to-do list for editors and authors. It is sortable by clicking on Headings, e.g. by clicking on Target date or on Editor. Editors can amend it directly. Priority 10 = completed!

Commissioned entries and tasks

Section Task Editor Priority Target date
Timeline AKI: Working on it. Neil 1 28/02/2024
Publicity Alan Salama has offered ‘history corner’ in his monthly UKKA news Neil working up John’s suggestions  Neil 1 28/02/2024
Themes History of UK Renal Pathology Terry Cook – no response. John’s draft with Ian Roberts – prompted May 2024 John 1 31/07/2024
Technical To-do table for editors – including add table of Units Neil 2 31/07/2024
Timeline Technical: make an actual timeline for the Timeline home page Neil 2 31/07/2024
Themes UK Research timeline: make a timeline analogous to that previously published by KRUK, but vertical Neil 2 31/07/2024
Themes Relationships between dialysis companies and renal units

Andy Mosson (Oxford, and used to work for Cobe) has offered to write something

Chris 3 31/07/2024
Profess Rosemary Baillod: Interview online, still to be edited Neil 3 31/07/2024
Profess Stewart Cameron: Interview to be edited John 3 31/07/2024
Profess Anne Eady: Interview to be edited. (Anne was also a carer) Neil 3 31/07/2024
Profess Stanley Shaldon: expand page and link to the Baillod interview once posted Neil 3 31/07/2024
Profess Sally Taber: Interview to be edited John 3 31/07/2024
Research Urine infection & reflux: Mark Taylor prompted again May 2024 John 2 31/07/2024
Research Acidosis Dent & Wrong:  Images need to be added: Neil to assist John Neil


2 28/02/2024
Research Anti-GBM disease: Neil editing Chris’s piece. Then post and send link for comment to Steve McAdoo, Andy Rees, Charles Pusey Neil 2 31/07/2024
Research Vasculitis: Neil has asked Caroline Savage Neil 4 30/06/2024
Research Amyloidosis: Helen Lachman

Her RCP lecture is available on line, but is global. Chris will work up a UK-centric version

Chris 2 31/07/2024
Research PKD:  discovery of gene. POSTED Neil to upload images Neil 1 31/07/2024
Research Immunosuppressive drugs for transplantation: Joyce chasing Ian McPhee, and interviewing Geoff Koffmann Joyce 2 31/07/2024
Research Oxygen sensing  Chris will chase Chris Pugh again Chris 2 31/03/2024
Research aHUS: David Kavanagh, Anna Richards  (will run it past Tim Goodship). Neil is chasing Neil 2 31/07/2024
Research Effect of HD on myocardial perfusion: Posted. John chasing images promised by  Chris McIntyre John 3 31/07/2024
Research Glomerular Disease

Chris has reviewed. Neil, Joyce to comment.

John 2 31/07/2024
Research Membranous. Paul Brenchley has delivered – John editing John 2 31/07/2024
Challenges Diversity: Gokal piece on race & ethnicity posted. Neil will chase Jo Adu for his  contrasting views. Joyce will add her views after that Neil 2 28/02/2024
Challenges Tuberous sclerosis – case study in funding new high cost therapy. Still promised by Chris Kingswood Joyce 4 31/07/2024
Unit Manchester from Platt to Mallick.  Netar is planning a Witness Seminar in Oct 2024 (John involved). Text will follow John 4 31/10/2024
Themes History of the Renal Association 2010-21: Tomson, Hendry, Lipkin, Wheeler (Presidents of the final decade) have agreed to provide notes from which JF will draft it. Tomson has delivered, others have not. June 30th  – final deadline John 6 30/06/2024


Unit Histories

Progress with aggregating histories of the UK’s main renal units, meaning units where there are permanent nephrology staff. The UKKA list of units includes satellite units. To read the histories themselves, see Unit histories.

Unit First dial First TP Unit contact Editor Status Comments

(to follow)





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Last Updated on June 19, 2024 by John Feehally