Carshalton (St Helier)

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Carshalton (St Helier)

by Michael Bending. From John Hopewell’s collection of Renal Unit histories.

In 1982 I was appointed as second nephrologist at St. Helier Hospital, Carshalton to join  Dr Anthony Eisinger. I was appointed because of my interest in diabetic renal failure, and within months we were admitting our first diabetic patients for renal replacement treatment. The South West Thames unit at Carshalton flourished on its District General Hospital campus because of the drive and enthusiasm of Willie Rogers, A. Polak, and Victor Parsons. This happened in many units elsewhere, where the local “Voluntary” Hospital was unable to provide sufficient space for the new development, and it led to some friction between the two institutions when the move had to be made.

The St.Helier Unit, where I was privileged to work for 28 years had a number of claims to a place in the history of British dialysis and transplantation.

  • Dr Rogers set up dialysis, to treat overdoses in his acute metabolic unit in 1964
  • First abortive trials with UV light to reduce peritonitis in PD. (c 1974)
  • Introduction of Rosenheim Hep B unit 1978
  • Introduction of CAPD 1979
  • Early satellite clinics up to 35 miles from regional unit 1982 et sequi
  • Replacement of Cyclosporin by Tacrolimus as routine immunosuppression for renal transplantation in 1990.
  • Mid 1990’s – best renal transplant outcome in UK as published by “Dr. Foster”. This attracted many high profile patients to the unit: during this period Mick Bewick was consultant transplant surgeon.

Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by John Feehally